Lobby Hero

Directed by Ben Goldberg

“Since the 1970s, the story of American theater has been one of division and gentrification, the rise of the (often white-led) nonprofit theater, and the ascendancy of the trained and professionalized playwright, who, whatever her original background, has been moved up several social rungs via an MFA. Of course, beautiful and important and diverse work can and does come out of those structures. But these structures also insulate a person from contact or conflict with the police. The academy teaches craft and discipline, but it also relocates and recastes people, ensuring ignorance of certain kinds of labor, certain lives-as-they’re-lived. So. We wind up with an avalanche of American plays about the ivory tower — but fewer than a dozen about the beat…..And for the most part, Americans of a certain type — the same type that goes to the theater — haven’t wanted to think about the police.”

Helen Shaw

Gbeke Fawehinmi


Avery Moody


Xzavier Beacham


Brandt Sunter


Bubble Theatre’s Lobby Hero explores race, gender, and ethics in law enforcement

The two-act play tells the story of Jeff, a sly security guard who becomes intertwined with his conflicted boss, an alluring cop who hangs out in his lobby, and her questionable police partner. These four characters delve into the murky gray areas of ethics, racial inequity, gender imbalance, and police corruption that continue to challenge us today.

Though the play is over 20 years old, it is more relevant than ever in the wake of the Stop Cop City movement. The story of Lobby Hero explores what happens when those in authority leverage their power for immoral gain, and how those victims react and make sense of their trauma. Bubble Theatre’s modern imagining of Lonergan’s script, featuring Avery Moody, Brandt Sunter, Gbeke Fawehinmi, and Xzavier Beacham in the cast, will resonate with anyone who has wrestled with the horrific realities of legal corruption, moral dilemmas, and misused authority.

Join Lobby Hero in supporting 

In an effort to support the Stop Cop City movement, Bubble Theatre is producing Kenneth Lonergan’s 2001 play Lobby Hero. The play is about policing, ethics, and the idea that having a badge doesn’t make you the good guy.

We believe that creating art is one of the only ways we can fight against the tyrannical efforts of the APD and policing at large. We plan to donate a portion of our profits to the Atlanta Solidarity Fund to help support front-line activists in need.

Bubble Theatre is dedicated to producing Anti-Racist theatre and we are motivated to STOP COP CITY.